Install gui

Services and additional packages

Login with your_account

sudo systemctl enable acpid bluetooth tlp xdm NetworkManager

sudo systemctl start NetworkManager

Connect the internet with nmtui, then install the following packages(depends on you):

sudo pacman -S i3{-wm,lock,status} \

network-manager-applet pcmanfm-gtk3 xarchiver dmenu \

dunst feh ibus ibus-libpinyin picom flameshot mpv \

zsh zsh-{completions,autosuggestions,syntax-highlighting} \

chromium alacritty xss-lock audacity gimp

Config gui

Configs(for me)

Set xdm:

touch .xsession

echo i3 > .xsession

chmod +x .xsession

Get yay:

git clone

pacman -S go

cd yay

makepkg -si

Missing firmwares:

See: mkinitcpio - ArchWiki

yay -S your_missingFirmwares

I'm missing these firmwares so I'll type:

yay -S {aic94xx,ast,wd719x}-firmware upd72020x-fw

mkinitcpio -P

yay -S ttf-symbola

Dark gtk theme:

sudo echo GTK-THEME=Adwaita:dark >> /etc/environment

My config for i3:

Download here or:


Config vim:

sudo pacman -S npm nodejs



:CocInstall coc-json coc-html coc-css


sudo ln -sf /home/cutt37/.vim /root/.vim